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Apie Lukaz_City

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Žiūrėti visus atnaujinimus nuo Lukaz_City

  1. Narrator: Last time on GTA San Andreas Z, City gaujinis challenged the mighty Saidas, the undefeated boss of Los Santos. He managed to defeat him in a fierce battle, but little did he know that Saidas had a secret power: he could revive himself and become stronger every time he died. He also learned how to multiply himself by creating new accounts and admins in the server. Now, Saidas is back with a vengeance, and he has an army of clones ready to destroy City gaujinis. Will City gaujinis survive this onslaught? Find out today on GTA San Andreas Z!

    Saidas: You fool! You thought you could kill me? You thought you could take my place? You were wrong. I am Saidas, the undefeated GTA San Andreas boss. And I am the king of this game. Behold, my ultimate form!

    City gaujinis: What? How did you come back to life? And how did you create so many copies of yourself?

    Saidas: Ha ha ha! I have a power that you can never imagine. I learned it from a monkey in Vice City, who taught me the secrets of regeneration and evolution. Every time I die, I come back stronger and smarter. And I can create as many clones as I want by using the server's power. They are all loyal to me, and they share my strength and intelligence. You are no match for me and my army. You are doomed!

    City gaujinis: No way! This is impossible! How can I fight against so many enemies?

    Saidas: You can't. You are nothing but a bug to me. And I will crush you like a bug. Attack, my clones!

    Narrator: Saidas unleashes his army of clones on City gaujinis, who is overwhelmed by the sheer number and power of his enemies. He tries to fight back, but he is no match for Saidas and his army. The battle takes place in Cosa nostra mafijos baze, a notorious crime hotspot in the city. Will he be able to escape this nightmare? Or will he fall victim to Saidas' wrath? Don't miss the next episode of GTA San Andreas Z!

    1. Kasparas_Deal


      8 rasau nes neparukes skaiciau

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