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Būsenų atsakymai parašė Aleksandras_Sabonis

  1. miegojau su jūsų mamom

  2. 15likmetis :DD nebent be tu 5 metu.


  3. Žie tokį pisau į imm angarą šiandien


  4. [ NEREKLAMUOJU pls no ban more ] 

    CIA TU? :DDD


  5. Where you said you going
    He can't fuck you like I can
    Where you said you going
    He can't fuck you like I can
    He can't fuck you like I can
    He can't fuck you like I can
    He can't fuck you like I can
    He can't fuck you like I can

    I don't remember much
    I just seen her dead in there
    It definitely stood out
    I remember your smell when I touched you
    How you used to talk to me
    It all hurts so much now
    How could I waste so much time on someone who doesn't even love me
    Even though all the time I spent, its just worthless
    Now I feel like I don't even wanna live anymore
    Save me

  6. Where you said you going
    He can't fuck you like I can
    Where you said you going
    He can't fuck you like I can
    He can't fuck you like I can
    He can't fuck you like I can
    He can't fuck you like I can
    He can't fuck you like I can

    I don't remember much
    I just seen her dead in there
    It definitely stood out
    I remember your smell when I touched you
    How you used to talk to me
    It all hurts so much now
    How could I waste so much time on someone who doesn't even love me
    Even though all the time I spent, its just worthless
    Now I feel like I don't even wanna live anymore
    Save me

  7. Pamirsti atimti rakta... ir sklypo jau nebera.... R.I.P -500m a.k.a 30e

  8. @Pasat_Kiec Bahuras, ateisiu būtinai, sveikinu su drk btw.

  9. Kasdieninis daužymas :)


  10. numesk davo deagla dauzytojau

  11. dainuoja fribergui kazkas




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