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Apie Thraxamillian_Reeves

Profilio informacija

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Paskutiniai profilio lankytojai

15.568 profilio peržiūros(-ų)

Thraxamillian_Reeves pasiekimai


Užsukantis (3/6)



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Žiūrėti visus atnaujinimus nuo Thraxamillian_Reeves

  1. Ir dar tas merlius gnyda kazka sako @Edvinas_Barise @Mccarei_Tfozzi



    Hello, after discussing this report with @Meggs_56 we have come to the following conclusion;

    Player Karolis_Merlius will receive a punishment for Non-RP (combat logging). In the event that you ever do crash again mid RP try your best to reach out to the other parties involved and let them know. Even if its just posing a message in the eclipse discord. Try your best to let them know your situation so you can continue the RP when you can reconnect.

    Report Accepted

    Locked & Archived


    1. Edvinas_Barise


      Merliau tu proto invalide as tau dar karta kartojuu kad as bane. Nu bet aisku tu to nesuprasi niekada nes esi zemiau homosapiens @Karolis_Explosive

    2. Thraxamillian_Reeves


      taigi tam loxui ragas kai atbanins mus

    3. Edvinas_Barise


      Ir aisku tu tokio lygio zaideju nebusi niekados nes tau iki manes ecrp daug kur kilti reiktu proto invalide 

    4. Armandas_Narusis


      I recommend this person stay perma banned on the basis that they have numerous non rp offenses within the last 7 days. They then again combat logged when they got injured. They then logged onto another character and went to the seen to kill the person. THEN the person decided to make an appeal and lie about it all. 

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