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Reikia pagalbos su root!

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Just follow this steps:

Download software https://www.dropbox.com/s/arvz18cvs8...200ToolBox.exe

enable USB debugging and disable fast reboot

use windows 7, in XP don't work the soft

turn off the phone, remove the battery a few seconds and turn, do FlashBoot mode ( Volume down + Power the same time for 10 seconds).

Connect your phone to your PC and run the software

Click in die Adb Drivers installer...

click in ich akzeptiere........

Click in Root + CMW (This option is enabled when the drivers are properly installed)

the software will work, you get a black box dialog.say finished and restart the cel.

Don't touch.... the software still running, and the celphone must restart for the second time... after that .... Now if you can disconnect

Already a User Root

for the version U8655-51 Latinoamerica DONT FLASH Kernel...for the europe version U8655-1... you can do it.,.!!

Gali bandyt. Gal suveiks. :)

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