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Need For Speed 2015

Rekomenduoti pranešimai

Kūrėjas: Ghost Games
Leidėjas: EA
Žaidimo variklis: Frostbyte 3
Žanras: Racing
Išleidimo data: 2015-11-03


5 Ways to play
Introducing Five Ways to Play - Speed, Style, Build, Crew, and Outlaw. Combine all five to create that perfect Need for Speed moment; driving insanely fast, sliding through a corner in your customized ride alongside your friends, whilst being chased by the cops.
Speed is the connection that exists between car and driver that is only present at top speeds. It’s about keeping your nerve and never lifting off the gas. It’s about the adrenaline rush of taking a corner at high speed, having faith that your car will hold firm and not loose grip. The fearless always push the limits.
Style is pure expression through driving, sending your car into a corner sideways with ultimate precision. It’s the feeling of freedom for that split second as your tires leave the ground, when you find yourself in a place where only you and the car exist. For some, style is all that matters.
Build is where you take your car to the extreme through both visual and performance modification. The constant need to improve and personalize, shaping the car to your own vision. Craftsmen build, searching for perfection.
Ride together with your Crew and never hit the streets alone. Put your faith in others as bumpers come within inches of one another. This is the skill of close proximity chaos.
Become an Outlaw, messing with and escaping from the cops. Always looking to raise the stakes through risk vs reward driving, pushing the limits and looking over your shoulder. Live life on the edge as you crave the thrill of the chase.
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